Agate Zuni Bear Fetish Carving by Mahooty
$112.00 -
Bear Fetish Carving with Arrowhead Bundle
$85.00 -
Beautiful Purple Fluorite Bear Fetish by Mahooty
$76.00 -
Bison Fetish Carving by Mahooty
$118.00 -
Genuine Petoskey Coral Zuni Cougar Fetish by M. Mahooty
$175.00 -
Hand-Carved Michael Mahooty Zuni Bear Fetish
$91.00 -
Honey Onyx Bear Fetish by Mahooty
$125.00 -
Howling Wolf Fetish Carving by Mahooty
$110.00 -
Howling Wolf Fetish Carving in Orthoceras
$118.00 -
Mahooty Fluorite Bear Fetish with Arrowhead Bundle
$82.00 -
Mahooty Onyx Badger Fetish Carving
$84.99 -
Mahooty Sodalite Bear Fetish with Arrowhead Bundle
$82.00 -
Mahooty Wolf Fetish in Purple Fluorite
$73.00 -
Mariposite Bear Fetish Carving with Bundle
$103.00 -
Michael Mahooty Zuni Eagle Fetish
$175.00 -
Native American Zuni Bear Fetish by Mahooty
$115.00 -
Orthoceras Bear Couple Fetish by Mahooty
$127.00 -
Purple Bear Fetish with Bundle by Mahooty